How long after surgery is it safe to have sex?

Are you soon going for a major operation, or have just had one. Are you feeling uncomfortable about asking your doctor about when to resume sex after surgery.

Working in the interventional radiology and surgical theatre, I always hear patients ask the surgeon, when is it safe to resume sex activities after surgery.

This question is common, but unfortunately the answer is not straightforward. That’s why I wrote this article, no restrictions here, let’s educate ourselves.

Happy reading!😃

Any questions? remarks? Let’s meet in the comments section at the end of this article.🙏

Last updated: Aug 2024. Written by Juliet Semakula, a diagnostic radiographer.

Disclaimer: no affiliate links.

▶️Can you have sex before any operation?

This will depend on your overall health and the type of operation you are going to have.

Usually before any operation you are given instructions from your doctor on what to do and not to do.

Yes, in most cases you can have sex in the days before an operation.

But in rare situations where it can be complicated or contraindicated to the type of surgery you are having. You may be restricted from having sex before the operation.

Most of the time when you have a major operation ahead of you, you might be anxious for the unknown that can affect your sex life.

So, you may find it easier to resume your sexual life after treatment.

I will leave this question to you, to decide because you know how you feel before the operation.

▶️What are some situations where you may not be able to have sex before an operation.

1️⃣Too much pain

Usually before an operation you may be anxious, and this can increase your pain, or you may be feeling pain during intercourse.

2️⃣You have a serious infection.

If you have an infection before the operation or any health condition. It will be best to avoid sex.

3️⃣You are going to have an internal examination such as HSG

For some fertility tests such as hysterosalpingogram (HSG) you must abstain from sexual intercourse from day 10 to your appointment.

5️⃣You have a serious heart problem

Some surgeries may compromise your ability to have sex entirely. 

If you go through a heart operation, your doctors might ask you to avoid physical exertion involving exercise and even sex.

▶️Why would having sexual intercourse after an operation contraindicatory.

🟠Scar tissues and pain from surgery.

It is common to have pain coming from the scar tissue, the wound and stitches. In such a situation you will only be thinking about resting.

You may find it uncomfortable during penetrative sex or even pain after surgery. It’s better to avoid sex until you fully recover.

🟠 Risk of infection

Usually, you are advised to help reduce any risk for infection by keeping the incisions clean. So, avoid sexual intercourse that may introduce bacteria in the operated area.

🟠Risk of bleeding

After surgery you may have a risk of bleeding because the blood vessels and tissues may be fragile at the surgical site.

🟠Risk of complication

Anatomically, any kind of rotation is dangerous postoperatively because it can lead to dislocation.

if it’s a hip fracture or other complications because the scar, tissues and blood vessels will be in the healing process and u may feel uncomfortable.

So, to avoid things like suture tears, dislocations and hernias avoid any early physical activity to your body.

🟠Fatigue and stress

You may also have changes to your body or physical side effects from your operation that may affect your ability or desire to have sex.

Some operations will require you to have surgical scars, drainage tubes, hair loss, weakness, pain, or fatigue

These changes may affect how you feel about yourself or how you relate to your partner, to some people sex will be the last thing on their mind.

For example, a mother who is breast feeding after a c-section, and fears of a further pregnancy can have a negative effect on a sexual relationship.

So, it is important to be ready for the sex act after any operation, to allow your body to heal before you engage.

🟠Post-Operative Turn-Off.

Pain is also a turn-off for most people. Sex isn’t that much fun if you are in pain or out of it from pain medication. This can cause you nausea also making for a bad sexual experience

▶️When should you resume sex after common operations

The table below lists the operations that most people wonder about

I have also included references to medical scientific studies on the subject, a link of each at the end of the article.

Hip fracture replacement surgeryMost patients can resume intercourse 1 to 2 months post operation. Male patients were statistically more likely to resume intercourse sooner than their female counterparts.
Limited hip movement may make it difficult. You can resume when the postoperative pain and swelling allow.
{Stern 1991}
Knee surgeryPatients resumed sexual activity after an average of 2.4 months. Knee surgery does not eliminate sexual limitations, but it significantly decreases kneeling dysfunction and gives patients more liberty in selecting their sexual positions.
{Kazarian 2016}
Uterine fibroid surgeryYou may need to wait longer if you have an open abdominal surgery. No sexual intercourse for 6 weeks.
{Berujon 2022}
Rig insertionsNo restrictions on having sex after the insertion but you may feel some discomfort for about 10 to 14 days. It is best to wait until you feel better to engage.
Nephrostomy insertionsNo restrictions on having sex after the insertion but you may have some fear of dislodging the tube.
For some reassurance there should be no reason why the tube will come out because it is secure, just be careful in the first days.
Laparoscopic surgeryAs soon as you feel comfortable often between a few days to weeks {Marquiegui,1999}
Hysterectomy surgerySex is usually allowed after 6 weeks. Gentle penetration is quite possible after 4 weeks, although many women prefer to wait longer {Marquiegui,1999}
Prostate surgeryBenign prostatic hyperplasia surgery can have an impact on sexual function, mainly involving ejaculatory function. Recovery form this can take a few weeks to years for you to resume.
{Manfredi 1011}
Caesarean section surgeryIt is usually recommended to wait at list 8 weeks after a caesarean section to allow the uterus to heal and reduce the risk of infection
{McDonald 2013}
Most women do not resume vaginal sex until later than 6 weeks postpartum
Dilation and curettage for a miscarriageIt’s recommended waiting at least 1 to 2 weeks after bleeding has stopped to insert anything into the vagina, including tampons, douches, and sex. Because your uterus is more prone to infection.
Gallbladder surgery(cholecystectomy)About 1 to 2 weeks before having sex, depending on your specific situation. As soon as you feel physically ready, you can engage in sex, being cautious not to put pressure on your healing wounds until they’re fully healed
Shoulder fracture surgeryYou may experience limitations in the quality and frequency of your sexual activity after surgery. Most patients will more easily engage in sexual activity by 6 weeks
 {Nugent 2021}
Appendix removal (Appendicitis or appendectomy)Avoid any strenuous exercises such as sex for at least 2 weeks and 6 weeks for full recovery, not to put pressure on your healing wounds.
Open Heart surgeryIntercourse can take place provided you can walk up two flights of stairs without difficulty. It’s recommended 6 to 8 weeks. You could find a comfortable position or wait until discomfort from the chest scar has eased {Marquiegui,1999}
Eye cataract surgeryNo restriction on sex activity but intercourse should be avoided for 2 weeks after a retinal detachment {Marquiegui,1999} 
Biopsies of the abdomen, liver and kidneyNo restrictions usually, you may decide to rest and leave it for the next day.
Lumbar disc herniation repairIs a common cause of lower back and radiating leg pain, after surgery usually you can wait for a few weeks, resume sex after 26 days. Note: some patients say they experience an improvement in pain during sexual activity at 1 year.
{Holmberg 1976}
Bowel resectionMost people have no problem having sex after bowel surgery. It may be a few weeks before you feel ready.
Others may find it harder, especially if the rectum has been removed. For example, surgery to the rectum can affect the nerves and blood supply to the sexual organs.
SalpingectomyYou should avoid strenuous exercise that puts strain on your abdomen for at least 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of surgery you had.
Ovarian Cyst surgeryFull recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks to allow for internal you should avoid sex for at least 6 weeks.
Varicocele surgeryInvolves tying off the veins that are feeding into the varicocele. To allow for appropriate healing of the incisions as well as the veins, it is generally recommended men wait 3 to 4 weeks after surgery to have sex
Mastectomy to remove breastBreast surgery doesn’t affect you being able to have sex. You should wait to have sex for at least 1 to 2 weeks after surgery or wait 6 weeks until your recovery.
Avoided positions that put stress on your chest and arms
Umbilical herniaAvoid putting a strain on your tummy muscles. Give yourself at least 6 weeks before you have sex to allow yourself time to recover from your operation.

How long after any of these operations can you have sex again?

If your operation is not listed above or you are not sure where you fall.

Now let’s examine a few things that will give you some reassurance in your case to help you know what precaution to take if you are ready to engage.

▶️What precautions should be taken for making love after an operation?

🟤Take it ease.

You should start slowly. If you experience pain, stop and change positions or try something different.

🟤Communicate with your partner

It’s good to have an open, honest conversation with your partner about the importance of healing. This is best done before the surgery, so you are both prepared.

Continue communicating during the act to let each other know how you feel.

🟤Find a comfortable position

If you had abdominal surgery, you may want to try a position that keeps pressure off your stomach.

With a hip replacement, the pressure of being in a position on the bottom could be painful.

Find a position that does not put too much strain on your wound. It might help to place a small cushion between you and your partner.

🟤Avoid rubbing and pressing on the scar area

The scar tissue at this moment is swollen and in the healing process, if you cannot avoid rubbing on it.

It’s best to wait before resuming sex until you feel it is safe to do so.

🟤You can reschedule until you feel ok to try again.

Even if you are approved for sex, be sure to use pain as your guide.

If it’s painful when you try to have intercourse, this is your body’s way of saying you are not ready and that you need to heal more first

So, you can reschedule until you both feel ready.

▶️How do you know if you can have sex in your own case?

What we should understand is that everyone recovers differently from any kind of surgery.

You may recover in a few days, weeks, or it may take you a few months to get back to your usual activities.

So how to know you can have sex will depend on your general health and how complicated your surgery was and how you feel.

Even if you are approved for sex by your doctor, be sure to use pain as your guide.

 If having sex is painful, this is your body’s way of saying you are not ready and that you need to heal more first.

Also, in some cases you can avoid pain by being in a position that is more comfortable for you, avoid bouncing movements or being in a position on top that may cause pain.

Summary: you can resume sex when you feel ready, but when you feel pain during the act, just know it is a sign you are doing too much too soon. Wait until you are ready and well recovered.

Whether you’re experiencing physical or emotional changes, you’re not alone. Talk with your healthcare provider for more information about sexual health

We have come to the end of this article, hope I have given you some reassurance on your sex health. Wishing you a quick recovery!


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